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26.3.2024 -
Easter is upon us!

And the days will run with rabbits...


The following will happen between March 29th Server Saveto April 1st Server Save:

Wabbit Season!
You know how those furry cuddly wuddly fuzzy wuzzy little creatures can mate mate mate and duplicate. Well get ready for rabbits galore across the forests and towns of Dura; (whispering) and they just might have some goodies better than carrots inside. And there just might be a prize for the person who kills the most wabbits this season. Oh and this year there might be more than your average rabbit... Results will be posted after Easter is over.

Easter Egg Hunt anyone? Or maybe Easter Egg Riddle Hunt?
Get ready for games, fun, and events the whole weekend as Gamemasters and Community Managers will have impromptu moment to moment fun for everyone. Prizes of all shapes and sizes for puzzles of all flavors and wises.

And wait a minute.. what about the Easter Bunny?
I've heard of him before I swear. Well he just might pop in, and he might hop around the land without end and he just might be a bit bigger than you expected. I wonder what he carries with him as he hops down the bunny trail?

On Sunday, March 31st, at 14:30 EST the Easter Hare will hop and bounce through the lands of Dura.

u The Easter Hare this year will have four good hops in him before he can hop no more.
u Easter Rabbits will proliferate, one for every person in the area, when the Easter Hare is trapped and killed.
u Easter Rabbits will be creatures which when killed will have spoils and treats that would match hopping all over the continent.

Happy Easter,
Dura Staff

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